Holy Mary, Mother of Consolation,
I am happy to be in your presence
and in the presence of your beloved Son
in this holy Shrine where you are honored.

You are a model woman of faith
who learned to trust our Heavenly Father in all circumstances of life.
You give us the perfect example of openness to God’s Word and God’s will,
help me to be open to God’s will too.

Through your prayers, help me to remember God’s promise
that all things will work for the good of those who believe.
Help me to be able to see that God is at work in my life,
even when life seems so challenging. Help me to place in God’s hands
the things that cause me stress and worry.

Blessed Mother, you console the afflicted
with the assurance of God’s love and presence in their lives.
Help me to be hopeful as I continue my pilgrimage through life
and as I remember all the wonderful things God has already done for me.
May I echo your song from the depths of my heart,
“My soul glorifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
Help me to share the hope that comes from the Holy Spirit
with all those I encounter.